90/91 time frame. I hung out with Grant for a good part of my London time. Interested in his music but then just friends. Our happy hour was the Bar Ganza sipping on hot chocolate. I was interested in promoting him and did line up a show at the legendary Mean Fiddler. Grant has publishing success in South Africa and was mostly interested in publishing in the UK versus being a singer/songwriter himself. I dug his stuff and these were the songs I used to get a few gigs. The friendship turned more towards music and Grant provided me the opportunity and a little training using a 4-track but more importantly my first exposure to “loops”. I explained a few song ideas, he played and I mixed. That session was “splash” and I’ll save that for a later post. Back to these songs, paradise is special, paradise is cool…you don’t have to be an american to have an american dream…stars and stripes like a slot machine, if you win you’re doing well…A great voice with an acoustic guitar.
Grant Van Dijk from flameproofmusic on Vimeo.